Three Things To Know About Survival Actions
Posted on:
3 April 2015
In a wrongful death case, you may be able to recover personal injury damages on behalf of the decedent. These are damages that the decedent would have sought if he or she was present, and since he or she isn't there, you (personal representative of the decedent) do it for him or her. They are known as survival actions since they "survive" the person who was injured.
Damages for survival actions include the pain and suffering as well as economic losses that the decedent suffered between his or her injury and the time he or she died.
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Want To Get Married To Someone Who Isn't An American Citizen? Hire A Lawyer Fast
Posted on:
24 March 2015
You have fallen in love with someone who lives in another country, and you want to get married, but how do they get a green card? You will first need to have them apply for a travel visa, so they can stay in the country long enough for you to get married. You may need the help of a lawyer such as Ahmad Law Office PLLC.
An immigration lawyer is an expert and can make sure all of the paperwork gets processed before your big day.
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Your DUI Case May Be Easier To Win Than You Think
Posted on:
16 March 2015
People often think of DUI cases and open and shut cases simply because of the evidence which is collected through field sobriety and blood alcohol tests. However, the truth is, defending yourself against charge of driving under the influence may be much easier than you think. This is because a qualified criminal defense attorney may be able to have all or some of the evidence against you thrown out if both the arresting officer and prosecution have not followed all of the proper procedures for the collection of this evidence.
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The Discovery Rule: An Exception to the Statue of Limitations
Posted on:
27 February 2015
That statute of limitations is the number of years you have to file a claim after an injury as occurred. And in most cases, if you don't file a lawsuit against the negligent party within that time frame, you have lost your chance to receive compensation for your pain, suffer, medical bills, and lost wages. However, there are exceptions to the law, and the "discovery rule" is an exception to the statute of limitations in personal injury cases.
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