Hiring A Lawyer After And Accident With Your Truck

Posted on: 25 September 2020

Commercial truck drivers involved in accidents can become the focus of the accident investigation even if they are not at fault. Hiring a truck accident lawyer to defend you after an accident is essential, and if your company does not provide one, you should still find an experienced lawyer to represent you.  Finding a Lawyer When you are looking for a truck accident lawyer to represent you, it is crucial that you find one with experience in these situations.
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Helpful Divorce Tips Straight From Attorneys

Posted on: 27 August 2020

After years of being married, sometimes you realize you made a mistake. Rather than trying to stick it out and remain unhappy, a divorce may be the best thing possible. If it's on the table for you and your spouse, these tips from divorce attorneys will serve you well moving forward. Disclose All Assets Even if you feel entitled to certain assets because you worked hard for them over the years, hiding them is the last thing you want to do.
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Why Legal Language Is So Important In Real Estate Listings

Posted on: 4 August 2020

Listing real estate isn't like other forms of selling. You can't just jam together a bunch of shiny-sounding words and get on with your day. The law treats real estate listings as disclosures, and it's important to word them competently as disclosures rather than as marketing copy. You'll want to have an attorney from a real estate law firm look over any listing you publish, and here are three things you should know about the process.
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Why You Need To Add A Closing Lawyer To Your Team

Posted on: 8 July 2020

Closing on a real estate property is very complicated and you may require the help of a real estate closing attorney. In some states, it may even be required to work with a lawyer as you close your sale. These are typically referred to as "attorney states." But if you don't live in an attorney state, you may wonder if you should seek help from a real estate closing attorney.
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