Three Major Differences Between Workers' Compensation And Personal Injury Claims

Posted on: 7 June 2016

Depending on the nature of the accident, on-the-job injuries may be compensated by workers' compensation insurance or personal injury settlement. Therefore, it's good to know the major differences between the two forms of compensation. They have major differences in these three areas: The Need for Fault You can only get personal injury compensation if you can prove that somebody is responsible (i.e. was at fault) for your accident. This isn't the case with workers' compensation benefits; you may receive them even if no one caused your injuries.
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Proving Your Landlord's Negligence In Clearing A Parking Area During Inclement Weather

Posted on: 19 May 2016

If you became injured as you were walking in the parking area in your apartment complex, and you believe your landlord knowingly refused to clear the path for tenants during inclement weather, you will most likely want to press charges in an attempt to obtain compensation to pay for your medical expenses. Unless you signed paperwork stating your landlord was not responsible for the condition of the parking area, you most likely have a case against them for failing to keep tenants safe.
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Should I Testify In My Own Criminal Case?

Posted on: 4 May 2016

Presenting the right case in your criminal defense can be tricky. One thing that often comes up is whether you should testify on your own behalf during the trial. While there is no clear cut answer, there are several things to think about before making this decision.  Potential Benefits of Testifying on Your Behalf There can be some benefits to getting up in front of the jury. If you are able to give a calm and reasonable explanation of what happened, this can help to sway the jury to thinking that you are a reasonable person.
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Three Potential Actions To Take Regarding Garnishment

Posted on: 11 April 2016

If your wages are now being garnished for a debt that you agree that you owe but just haven't been able to pay, you have to take action. Which action you take will depend on your goals and how badly the garnishment is affecting your ability to support yourself. Here's a look at three possible things you can do if you've been hit with wage garnishment. Check for a Demand Letter
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