Surgical Error Misconceptions Every Patient Should Know

Posted on: 16 November 2018

No matter how small a surgical procedure might be, surgery does always come along with certain risks that cannot be avoided. This is something that most patients are well aware of. However, there are a lot of mistruths and misconceptions when it comes to surgical errors and medical malpractice claims. Take a look at some of the most common misconceptions and the real truth that you need to know as a patient.
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Your Father Is Dying And Has No Will: Contact A Probate Lawyer To Avoid Issues

Posted on: 9 October 2018

Nobody wants to be thinking about money or their inheritance while they are watching their father slowly sicken towards death. However, you know your father has no will and are worried about what will happen when he passes. You should be worried and must take steps to address this issue with a probate lawyer as soon as possible. Dying Without A Will Is Problematic During your father's last few months or even weeks of life, his estate is going to be on his mind a lot.
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Changes To Your Divorce After Settlement: What You Should Know

Posted on: 1 September 2018

Most people think that once the divorce is final, that's the last they will have to worry about it. In many cases, this is true. However, there are some situations that will warrant working with your divorce attorney to revisit that divorce settlement, either due to problems after the fact or a change in circumstances. Understanding what kinds of things can be changed, why they might have to change, and what you should do about them can help you be prepared if you face a situation like this.
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Establishing Fault To Disprove Workers Comp Claims

Posted on: 30 July 2018

There are hundreds of thousands of workers compensation claims made every year. Some of those claims are completely false or unwarranted. As an employer, you always want to verify that A) a worker's comp claim is valid, and B) that if a claim is denied, it is because the employee did something that caused his/her own injuries. If you suspect that an employee is trying to fleece you and the workers comp insurance company, you need a workers compensation defense lawyer.
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