Three Things You Should Know About Filing For A Personal Bankruptcy

Posted on: 12 August 2016

If you are at a point in your personal finances where you believe you may need to file for bankruptcy, there are a few things you should understand before heading down that road. Bankruptcy isn't as simple as many people believe it to be; there are many misunderstandings about it. There are two different types of bankruptcies For personal bankruptcy, there are two different types of filings. One is referred to as Chapter 7.
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Lost Income Guide For Car Accident Claims

Posted on: 29 July 2016

After a car accident, it's not uncommon to sue the insurance company or the at-fault party for medical coverage and pain and suffering, but you may also be entitled to lost wages and income. This should be part of your injury claim package. The following guide can help you better understand what lost wages and income claims can entail. What qualifies as lost income? The obvious type of lost income is actual wages lost because you were unable to attend your regular job.
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That's A Big Responsibility: 3 Things You'll Have To Do As Executor Of An Estate

Posted on: 13 July 2016

If someone has asked you to be the executor of their estate, it's not something you should take lightly, especially if you're not sure what the job entails. Your basic obligations will be to make sure that the proceeds from the estate are distributed in accordance with the will. That's the short answer. The long version of what your responsibilities will be is somewhat more complex. Here are three responsibilities you'll have if you accept the calling to be executor of the will.
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A Guide To Understanding Bail Bonds And Your Options For Helping Someone Get Released From Jail

Posted on: 27 June 2016

If you have a friend or loved one who has been arrested and you would like to skip the fees associated with going through a bonds company, it is important to be aware of important information about bail bonds. For instance, you eventually will get all or the majority of your money back, assuming that the person you are helping makes all of the court dates as scheduled. However, it could take months, or even years, in order to do so.
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