3 Ways An Estate Administration Attorney Can Help You Speed Up Probate
Posted on: 16 January 2023
If you have been named executor of an estate, your main focus is often getting through probate as quickly as possible. Quick closure means you can distribute the assets and close the estate with the courts. Unfortunately, if you are not familiar with the process, it can be lengthy, especially if you are managing a large estate. But an estate administration attorney can help you get through the process much quicker. Here are a few ways how.
1. Meet The Timelines
Numerous steps must take place within specific timeframes during probate. For example, during the first few weeks following a death, you must do the following:
- Obtain death certificates
- File all necessary paperwork to become executor
- Meet with the probate clerk and open the estate
- Give notice to the decedent's creditors
- Perform an inventory of assets
- Notify the IRS of your fiduciary duties
- Open an estate checking account
- Consolidate/close the decedent's accounts
The days you have to perform these tasks vary based on the estate's state. Not knowing these timeframes or failing to meet these timeframes can hold up the probate process. An estate administration attorney will know the steps to handle the estate and the timeframes to complete them.
Once they meet one timeline, they will know when to move on to the next. They will also know what tasks they can complete simultaneously. This knowledge will allow the probate process to go much quicker than if you were working alone.
2. Resolve Disputes
Many times family disputes can hold up probate. These disputes can cause family members to contact the court or contest the will. These disputes sometimes have nothing to do with the decedent or estate itself but exist because of bad blood between you as the executor and other family members.
When an estate administration lawyer helps you handle probate, they are a neutral third party. They can often resolve family disputes by being open and honest with all beneficiaries. Their honesty can remove the suspensions, accusations, and worry that can create resolution hurdles.
3. Maintain Accurate Records
Accuracy of your records is vital during probate. Any documents that are a part of the probate process become public records. These records will often assist in the distribution of the estate assets and determine what the estate will have to pay out in taxes and fees.
An estate administration attorney will ensure that these records are accurate and submit them on time. The accuracy of your documentation and records will allow your probate to go through as quickly as possible.
To learn more, contact an estate administration attorney in your area.