5 Ways To Avoid The Chance Of Actually Receiving A Ticket When You Are Pulled Over

Posted on: 22 April 2015

Getting pulled over is never fun. However, the way that you handle it can help determine whether or not you actually receive a ticket or a warning. Try to keep in mind that officers don't enjoy pulling people over either since they never know what kind of person they could be dealing with. If you keep this in mind, you can reduce the urge to become argumentative with the officer. Here are five other ways you can avoid the chance of actually receiving a ticket:

  1. Pull Over Safely: When you first see the lights flashing behind you, you should pull over as safely as possible. You want to get as far over to the curb as you can so that the officer does not have to walk into oncoming traffic to get to you. Thinking about the officer's safety is one way to show respect and let the officer see that you actually are a safe driver despite whatever you may have been doing to get pulled over.
  2. Let The Officer Approach Without Concern: Once you have pulled over, you should shut off your engine immediately. This will allow the officer to feel more comfortable and confident that you aren't going to speed away. You also want to roll down your window all the way, not just a crack to show the officer that you have nothing to hide. 
  3. Turn on Overhead Lights: If you are being pulled over at night, turn on your overhead light so that the officer can see you. Again, this shows that you have nothing to hide and you are willing to be compliant with the officer. This also gives the officer peace of mind since they can see your passengers, as well. 
  4. Don't Move Hands Off Steering Wheel: Once you have turned on the lights, rolled down your window, and turned off the engine, you should put your hands back on the steering wheel. It's important that you don't begin shuffling for your license or paperwork, which would otherwise show the officer that you are ready and willing to receive a ticket. 
  5. Don't Confess: When the officer asks you whether or not you know why they pulled you over, it is probably best not to confess. Instead, you can say that you do not know why and then the officer won't be able to note that you have made a confession, which could come back to haunt you should the officer decide to give you a ticket. 

By following these five steps, it isn't a guarantee that you will not receive a ticket, but the odds are much slimmer. If you do happen to receive a ticket, it is best to consult with a traffic lawyer, like those from Williams Heinl Moody & Buschman, P.C., who can help you get a plea deal or fight against it. 
