
  • Injured Contractor: Can You Be Held Liable?

    There are a lot of things a homeowner needs to think about as he or she hires a contractor to complete a construction project. One thing a lot of homeowners do not think about is what would happen if the contractor were to get injured. Would the homeowner be held liable? In a large number of cases, the answer is yes. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce your risk of liability.
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  • Why You Need To Hire An Accident Attorney

    Too many people make the mistake of assuming that they are going to be able to handle the legal matters surrounding their auto accident. If you are thinking like that or you are simply still on the fence about hiring an attorney, you will want to check out the following points. This way, you will be able to make the decision that best suits your personal situation. You Deserve Money For Pain And Suffering
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  • Dating Before You've Legally Gone Through A Divorce

    Maybe you're already certain that your marriage is over, and there's absolutely no possibility that things will ever work out. If you're certain that a divorce is imminent (or are already deep in the stages of the divorce process), there's likely little doubt in your mind what the future might hold for your former relationship. Because of this certainty (and due to an understandable amount of loneliness during the difficult process), it may be tempting to enter the dating world once again.
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  • Life-Saving Steps To Take When Dealing With A Divorce

    If you are in a failing marriage, sometimes the only thing that makes sense is to get a divorce. This process is hard, but you can get through it by taking certain steps. Manage Your Finances Getting a divorce isn't always going to go smoothly. You may not even be able to see your spouse without getting into an argument, which means you need to manage your finances. As soon as you can, close all of your joint accounts.
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  • Vehicle Accidents Can Trigger Or Worsen Spondylosis Symptoms

    If an automotive insurance company is offering you a low settlement after an accident because you have cervical spondylosis, you need an experienced personal injury attorney such as Hammer, Ferretti, and Schiavoni for legal representation. This tactic is to be expected from an insurance carrier, as the underwriters look for reasons not to pay large amounts to injured persons.  How Insurance Companies Justify This Tactic Cervical spondylosis, a common type of disc degeneration in the neck bones, tends to develop with aging due to general wear and tear over time.
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  • 3 Things To Do Immediately If You Find Out Your Spouse Is Cheating On You

    Upon finding out that your spouse is being unfaithful, it can be tempting to go into a blind rage, to call your best friend or to crumble into a ball and cry. None of these reactions will truly help you in the long run, however, and the way that you react can affect your future. As soon as you find out that your spouse is cheating on you, follow these steps.
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  • Preparing for a Court Summons

    If a legal problem has landed in your lap and you have been served with a summons, you may not even know where to begin. Weighing your options and deciding on your best plan of attack is a must. After being served, it is up to you to respond in a timely and educated fashion. Here are three scenarios that may unfold after you have been served legal paperwork. 1. Let the Paperwork Stand
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  • Party Killing Personal Injury Claims: 3 Property Dangers To Remove During Your Outdoor Event

    You have been planning for weeks: the steaks are in marinade, and the invitations have been sent. But before your first guest arrives for the outdoor event in your backyard, there is one important thing you have to do. You must make sure you are not posing any dangers that could cause injury to your guests. Injury is not purposeful, of course, but it is easy to assume that because your backyard is safe for you, it should be safe for your guests.
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